Jenny Beatriz

Jenny Beatriz

A loan of $1,300 helps to buy perfume, jewelry, t-shirts, jeans, leggings, outfit sets for boys and girls, pajamas, dresses, etc.

Jenny Beatriz

Jenny Beatriz's story

Jenny Beatriz is a great mother who wants to give the best to her children so she sells clothes, sandals, and products from the Belcorp catalog (perfume, creams, makeup, and jewelry). She sells these items in her free time to her friends. She lets them buy on credit and charges them every 8 days. She is working under contract cleaning and disinfecting operating rooms at the hospital which pays her monthly.

She is grateful for the good people who provide these loans as they allow her to give her family the best.

This loan is to buy perfume, jewelry, t-shirts, jeans, leggings, outfit sets for boys and girls, pajamas, dresses, etc.

Previous loan details

Jenny Beatriz's previous loan

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteerLesa Sexton. View original language description.

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