Please join me in bidding a warm welcome to Kiva’s new field partner in Jordan, Alwatani (National Microfinance Bank). Alwatani has been providing microcredit services to low- and middle-income Jordanians since 2006. Through its 10 branch offices located throughout the country, Alwatani serves approximately 25,000 entrepreneurs.
The story of his business begins in Iraq. He had a coffee shop in Baghdad, and one of his clients (who was also a friend) occasionally had trouble paying his tab. So, in exchange for a break on his bill, this client showed Sami his “secret”: isolating and purifying silver from used x-ray film. Sami saw this process a couple of times, then, using his talent, resourcefulness, and information from the internet, he built a silver-refining workshop in his basement. Over the years, with the help of capital from Alwatani, he has worked very hard to develop his process to make a good living, paying for weddings for each of his six children. He’s also made sure that fumes from his work don’t seep into his family’s home.
Both of these borrowers are served by the Wehdat branch of Alwatani (and unfortunately, neither of their loans will be financed on, since the training visits happened a few months before the official launch of Alwatani loans on the website). Wehdat one of Alwatani’s largest branch offices, and it serves a large area of Amman, Jordan’s capital. This area is centered on the Muhayam al-Wehdat, or Wehdat Refugee Camp. This area is home to approximately 180,000 displaced Palestinian refugees (this estimate dates to the 1990s) and is one of the poorest areas in Jordan, along with the 5 other refugee camps spread across the country.
So, please join me in welcoming Alwatani to Kiva by visiting their Kiva partner page, or lending to one of their first Kiva loans. Ahlen wa sahlen, Alwatani!