Tune in to “As the Microfinance Mundo Turns”
June 20, 2009
By Susan Arthur, KF8 Nicaragua
Dear readers,
I am a Kiva Fellow in Managua, Nicaragua, working with field partner CEPRODEL. I’ve been here for a couple of weeks now, and am thrilled to announce Kiva’s first novela: “As the Microfinance Mundo (World) Turns.”
Novelas are soap operas which are very popular in Latin America and on Spanish-language television in the U.S. On this blog, I will unveil the story of Doña Cony as she seeks credit so she can open a “comedor” or small restaurant on the front porch of her house.
Located in Batahola Norte, a poor neighborhood in northwestern Managua not far from the old U.S. Embassy and right across the street from a park where young men shoot hoops or play soccer, the house is also kitty corner from a Cultural Center, where Doña Cony worked for eight years as a cook.
'Be sure to watch the video for a rare opportunity to see Doña Cony resting in a hammock on her porch, the site of her future restaurant.
Will Dona Coñy seek credit from one of Kiva’s field partners in Nicaragua? Will she apply at CEPRODEL? Will she qualify? What does she have to do to get a loan? Stay tuned for upcoming episodes of “As the Microfinance Mundo Turns.”
Susan Arthur is a Kiva Fellow (KF8) serving in Managua, Nicaragua with CEPRODEL. Join the Fans of Ceprodel Lending Team.
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