Terence grew up in the tiny island-state of Singapore, and grew to embrace a global outlook through his personal and professional travels which have allowed him to journey to more than 35 countries to date. At the University of Illinois, Terence picked up an interest in social entrepreneurship and was first exposed to the concept of microfinance during a trip to the village of Casa Blanca in Ica, Peru in 2008. He believes that an appreciation of other languages and cultures will help build a more open, peaceful and connected world. An entrepreneur at heart, he went on to found the largest language exchange community in Singapore, and wishes to continue using his professional skills in consulting to do good. As a Kiva Fellow, he understands that he is only a small piece of the market-based solution to alleviate poverty, but hopes that the better flow of capital through Kiva and microfinance institutions may go a long way to make the world a better place. Terence currently lives in Austin with his fiancée, Lysia. He is also a budding Capoeirista and passionate minimalist.