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Reminder: Educational Web Summit this Friday

November 5, 2009

We want to remind you that the first annual Educational Community Web Summit will be hosted by Campus Kiva and High School Kiva this Friday, November 6th. We are excited to announce that we will be joined by Kiva’s President, Premal Shah, and Jonathon Stalls, who will be walking over 2,000 miles in 2010 from Colorado to Maine in support of Kiva (that's right, think Forest Gump style)!

There will be a conference call portion of the summit, which will take place from 10:00am-11:30am PST, where speakers will be taking questions from the audience. Following the call, there will be a half hour series of videos submitted from chapters and microfinance partners.

In conjunction with the conference, Campus Kiva will be launching its brand new website, which will feature a discussion forum to continue the international educational dialogue about Kiva and microfinance. The entire Kiva community is welcome to participate in order to learn more about Campus Kiva and High School Kiva. It's also a great way to share more about Kiva with friends who aren't yet familiar, all are welcome to join!

RSVP is required to join the call. If you would like to participate please email Josephine D'Allant at Josephine@campuskiva.org and use the following call-in number to join the conference:

Dial In (U.S.): 866-740-1260

Dial In (Outside U.S.): +1 303-248-0285

Access Code: 6415483

We hope you will join us on November 6, but if you are unable to make it, we will be releasing a copy of it so stay tuned!