So, warning, this has NOTHING to do with microfinance.
But, here are two videos that give a definite flavor of life here in Nimasac, Guatemala where I have spent the last two months as a Kiva Fellow with ASDIR, Kiva’s field partner in Totonicapan, Guatemala.
K’iche is the predominant language spoken here. Many people have asked me to describe what it sounds like, but I’ve found that to be an impossible task, so here is a short video of animated dinner conversation in K’iche.
'The second is a glimpse at what is involved in washing clothes here in Nimasac (it takes a LONG time!)
'Lori Gibson Banducci is a Kiva Fellow working with ASDIR, Kiva’s field partner in Totonicapan, Guatemala where she blends in perfectly with the people who live there.

Lori with Kiva Borrowers
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