is excited to announce its first partnership in Nigeria, with LAPO (Lift Above Poverty Organization).
LAPO started its activities in 1987 and was formally incorporated as a nonprofit nongovernmental organization (NGO) in 1993. The specific objective of LAPO is to promote selfemployment through access to microfinance. LAPO's clients are among the poorest people in the urban and rural areas where it operates.
Grameen Foundation has been supporting LAPO since early 2003 in loans and grants to support branch expansion, on-lending to clients and MIS automation projects. GF has also provided LAPO with technical assistance to support the development of strong financial reporting and internal control and management systems. has always received requests to bring entrepreneurs from more African nations to the website and we are very proud to be adding Nigeria as the newest country we have expanded to. We look forward to a very successful partnership with LAPO.
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