We know that many Kiva Lenders have been using Kiva as a teaching tool in the classroom, as a student activity on college campuses, and as a way to give back as guided by their faith. So, last week we added some new pages to share examples of using Kiva in these ways, and to share some materials that others have created and welcome you to use.
Just click on our Do More link and you'll now find Kiva in the Classroom, Kiva on Campus and Kiva and Your Faith. These are places where you can learn about ways in which others are using Kiva as an educational tool or group activity in these contexts, download some materials which others have created, and learn about groups that have already been created which you can join.
If you have materials or ideas you think would be a helpful contribution to these pages, please email us at the email addresses provided on each page. We're always interested in new Kiva stories and would love to share them with other Kiva lenders.
And of course, if you're using Kiva in an interesting way that we've not included - let us know!
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