You can have fun and help at the same time!
Kiva is teaming up with Go Game for a fundraiser event on Saturday, May 23! 100% of the profits will go to the Kiva Fellows Program to help provide training and financial assistance to our volunteer Kiva Fellows working with our Field Partners around the world.
The Go Game is a fun, interactive, high-tech game in which teams compete to accomplish missions. It uses technology to facilitate real, meaningful interactions that foster creativity, collaboration and above all, fun! Without fail, these events provide outrageous and wacky missions, photos, videos and downright fun for all ages and interest. This fundraiser event promises to be a great way to both support the Kiva Fellows Program and get to know others in the Kiva Community.
If you live in the San Francisco area, please join us. Recruit your friends for a team to help Kiva or join an existing team and make new friends! Sign up here
If you don't live in the San Francisco area, but would like to sponsor a Kiva staff member or Kiva Fellow to play, please send an email to
Questions? Email Jessica at
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