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Host a Kiva representative at your event!

July 1, 2010

By: Kimia

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By Kimia Raafat, KF11, San Francisco

Kiva has always been about connections; connecting people, through lending, for the sake of alleviating poverty. Now, we would like to bring our “person to person connection” mantra a little closer to you– by presenting our Kiva Speakers Program.

Whether you are hosting an event on poverty alleviation, women’s rights issues, microfinance or incorporating Kiva into your classroom’s curriculum, the Kiva Speaker’s Program gives Kiva friends the opportunity to share ideas with a Kiva representative.

Simply complete a request form, and we will match a representative to you based on availability and feasibility. We may match you with a former Kiva Fellow, who will share personal field experiences: meeting borrowers, working at a microfinance institute and witnessing the firsthand effects of your Kiva loans. Or perhaps Kiva President, Premal Shah or Kiva Co-founder, Matt Flannery may share their ideas at your event!

We hope to bring a little Kiva Love to an event near you soon!

By: Kimia