Hear Matt Flannery, CEO and Co-Founder of Kiva.org, speak at the FRONTLINE/World Heroes Froam a Small Planet Film Festival.
"This year's festival will feature the latest films from FRONTLINE/World's Social Entrepreneur Series. Learn about one man's mission to improve wheelchairs in the developing world and how young Egyptians are combating mass unemployment by building their own companies. Also, the story of a pioneering surgeon who's changing women's lives in Sierra Leone; and an encore screening of the Kiva story."Where: Brava Theater, 2781 24th Street, San Francisco
When: June 30th, 6pm
Other Special Guests:
Sandy Herz - Senior Advancement Officer, SkollThis is a free and public event. Please R.S.V.P. by June 24 to confirm entrance: rsvp@flworld.org
Ralf Hotchkiss - Co-founder and Chief Engineer, Whirlwind Wheelchairs
Marc Krizack - Director of Operations, Whirlwind Wheelchairs
Sharon Tiller - Series Executive Director, FRONTLINE/World
Ahmed Youssry - Youth entrepreneur, INJAZ
Click here for more information about the event.