This is why I love my office…
The other day at work, my colleagues found out I have a cell phone. They immediately took turns getting my digits- wanting my phone # ‘just because.’ Some who are hesitant to use English will call and hang up as a “just wanted to say ‘hi’” gesture. Better yet, others will leave SMS messages.
For the past week, every night, I’ve gotten a goodnight text, tucking me into bed if you will.
“Hello lady. Finish your dinner? How about it? Ok good night from your good driver. See you on your dream.”
“How are you Jessica? SokSabBay? Are you happy today? Ok good night! Best regards!”
“Hi Jasika sleep yet? Doing? R u busy much? R u tired? R u hote? Dinner ready? I have dinner ready. N sleeping. Good nigh n Sweet dream 2. Bye.”
Tonight, they culminated in a lullaby. Yes, a goodnight serenade. You can’t make this stuff up:
“ ()”..*()
How do you do…..
‘o’ ‘o’ ‘o’ ‘o’ ‘o’
,?, ,?, ,?, ,?, ,?,
Run, run to bed…
Smile for ur
0 * Sings alone
4l *
// *
Sweet dreame lady”
The Perfect Day →NEXT ARTICLE
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