In 2014, Jacqueline was forced to flee her home in Burundi and start a new life in Rwanda. At first, she struggled to put food on the table and provide for her 3 children.
But Jacqueline is hardworking, honest and entrepreneurial. She started a soap manufacturing business with the help of a Kiva loan. Powered by 213 lenders, Jacqueline’s $5,925 loan changed her life.
Learn more about Jacqueline’s story here:
Help refugees like Jacqueline rebuild by making a loan.

“I am able to send my children school and I am able to feed them properly”
Jacqueline is an entrepreneur with a real knack for sales—in just a short time after starting her business, she was able to secure several large clients, including multiple mid-sized hotels and a large office complex.
Today, she employs several people in her growing business and can send her children to school. She’s looking forward to growing her business and taking her company to the next level by opening branches outside of Rwanda.
Jacqueline says her living conditions have improved substantially since receiving the loan.
“I am able to send my children to school and I am able to feed them properly”, she says.
Jacqueline is thankful for Kiva lenders and works to "develop the same culture of giving to others in need."
Access to capital helps refugees rebuild
In 2021 alone, over 89 million people were forced to leave their homes behind, just like Jacqueline. With limited access to bank accounts, credit histories, or even permanent addresses, refugees face significant obstacles when seeking financial services, as many banks consider refugees to be too “risky” to lend to. Kiva’s on a mission to change that.
Through access to capital, refugees gain the tools they need to rebuild their livelihoods. In fact, since Kiva’s founding in 2005, Kiva lenders have funded over $20M in refugee loans to more than 27,000 people.
People like you make all of this possible. Will you help fund a loan to a refugee today?
Help refugees around the world by making a loan today.
Forced to leave everything behind: Where do refugees come from, and where do they go? →NEXT ARTICLE
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