By Velizara Passajova, KF8 Bosnia, Armenia
Hello, my name is Velizara and I am from Sofia, Bulgaria. I am currently enjoying KIVA Fellows Training in San Francisco. After I finish my junior spring at Dartmouth College, I will head to Sarajevo, Bosnia to work with “Zene za Zene International” from June-July 2009. In August-September 2009, I will be in Yerevan, Armenia. My job is to help establish KIVA and open up additional oportunities for lending to entrepreneurs in Eastern Europe.
KIVA is so exciting! Please, join our cause!
To see my blog, please go to http://vialittlepassion.wordpress.com/&_tpg=fb
To learn more about “Zene za Zene International” (Bosnia), please go to http://www.kiva.org/about/aboutPartner?id=101&_tpg=fb
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